35 research outputs found

    An Optimistic Planning Approach for the Aircraft Landing Problem

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    International audienceThe Aircraft Landing Problem consists in sequencing aircraft on the available runways and scheduling their landing times taking into consideration several operational constraints, in order to increase the runway capacity and/or to reduce delays.In this work we propose a new Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) model for sequencing and scheduling aircraft landings on a single or multiple independent runways incorporating safety constraints by means of separation between aircraft at runways threshold. Due to the NP-hardness of the problem, solving directly the MIP model for large realistic instances yields redhibitory computation times. Therefore, we introduce a novel heuristic search methodology based on Optimistic Planning that significantly improve the FCFS (First-Come First-Served) solution, and provides good-quality solutions inreasonable computational time. The solution approach is then tested on medium and large realistic instances generated from real-world traffic on Paris-Orly airport to show the benefit of our approach

    Contribution à l'organisation des opérations d'escale dans une plateforme aéroportuaire

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    La croissance du trafic aérien a rendu critique l opération de la gestion des plateformes aéroportuaires. Celle-ci fait appel à de nombreux acteurs (autorités aéroportuaires, compagnies aériennes, contrôle du trafic aérien, prestataires de services, ). Le concept d Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) développé depuis une dizaine d années est basé sur un partage d informations opérationnelles en temps réel entre les différents acteurs de la plate-forme, permettant de prendre des décisions en commun pour rechercher une utilisation optimale, en toutes conditions, des capacités de l aéroport. L objectif principal de cette thèse est de contribuer à l organisation de la gestion des opérations d escale dans une plateforme aéroportuaire. Il s agit de proposer une structure d organisation de cette opération qui soit compatible avec l approche A-CDM. La structure proposée introduit un coordinateur des opérations d escale (GHC) qui joue le rôle d interface de communication entre les partenaires de l A-CDM et les différents gestionnaires des opérations d escale (GHM). Cette structure hiérarchique permet d une part de partager des informations avec les partenaires de l A-CDM et d autre part d interagir avec les gestionnaires des opérations d escale (GHM). Les processus de prise de décision basés sur des heuristiques ont été développés à chaque niveau de l organisation proposée et sont évalués aussi bien dans le cas de conditions nominales que dans le cas de la présence de perturbations majeures.The increase of the world air traffic growth of the last decades has generated a permanent challenge for civil aviation authorities, airlines and airports to supply sufficient capacity to provide a safe transportation service with acceptable quality standards. New traffic management practices, such as A-CDM, based on multi-agent and collaborative decision making concepts have been introduced at airports. However, within the turnaround process of aircraft at airports, ground handling management of aircraft has not been developed specifically in the A-CDM approach, even if it has an important role in the fluidity of aircraft operations at airports. The main objective of this thesis dissertation is to contribute to the organisation of the ground handling management at airports. It consists to provide a structure organize the ground handling management compatible with the A -CDM concept. The proposed structure introduces a ground handling coordinator (GHC) which is considered as an interface for communication between the partners of the A -CDM and the different ground handling managers (GHM). This hierarchical structure allows sharing information with partners in the A -CDM on the one side and on the other side, interacting with ground handling managers (GHM). Decision making processes based on heuristics have been developed at each level of the proposed organization and have been also evaluated in the case of nominal conditions and in the case of the presence of major disruptions.TOULOUSE-INP (315552154) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Modelisation et resolution de problemes d'optimisation combinatoire issus d'applications spatiales

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    In this work we are concerned with combinatorial optimization problems stemming from space missions planning. These huge problems have some common features concerning the type of data, constraints and criteria to be optimized. We focus on linear programming for modeling and solving these problems, associated to methods for search space simplification, using decomposition or some constraint propagation techniques. We more particularly address two problems. The first one concerns a mission which aims at a scientific investigation of Mars. It consists in planning both communication slots between Martian probes and a satellite, and experiments on probes. We use linear integer programming to model and solve to optimality the sub-problem of communication slots planning, and we develop a decision-aid oriented method using constraint propagation for experiments planning. The second problem occurs in the context of the French program of Earth observing with satellites. It consists in selecting and scheduling images taken by one satellite in order to maximize a quality criterion. We give a linear model and we propose a column generation approach, based on the Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition of the model, to calculate upper bounds for this problem and in order to solve it.Nos travaux portent sur la modelisation et la resolution de problemes d'optimisation combinatoire emergeant dans le cadre de la planification de missions spatiales. Ces problemes de grande taille presentent des caracteristiques communes en termes de types de donnees, de contraintes et de criteres a optimiser. Nous nous focalisons sur l'apport de la programmation lineaire pour ces problemes, associee a des methodes de simplification de l'espace de recherche, par decomposition ou grace a des techniques de propagation de contraintes. Nous avons plus particulierement etudie deux problemes. Le premier concerne la planification de communications sonde/satellite et d'experiences dans un projet d'exploration martienne. Une decomposition de ce probleme permet de le formuler comme deux problemes independants : un probleme de planification des communications que nous modelisons et resolvons par programmation lineaire en nombres entiers, et un probleme d'aide a la decision pour la planification des experiences, pour lequel nous etablissons des courbes d'evaluation de la charge des ressources deduites de l'application de techniques de propagation de contraintes basees sur un raisonnement energetique. Le second probleme etudie est celui de la planification de prises de vue d'un satellite d'observation de la Terre. Nous proposons un modele lineaire en variables mixtes et nous developpons une approche de resolution par generation de colonnes, qui est une adaptation de la programmation lineaire au traitement de problemes de grande taille, faisant appel a certaines techniques de decomposition des modeles

    Complex optimization problems in space systems

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    In this paper, we address problems stemming from two different space mission projects of the CNES (French Space Agency). The first one is the Netlander mission which aims at a scientific investigation of Mars with help of probes on its surface. In the context of this mission, we are interested in both planning communications periods between Mars probes and satellites orbiting Mars, and planning experiments on probes. Linear programming and constraint propagation are developed. The second problem is in the context of the Pleiades program of Earth observing with satellites of new generation. The problem consists in selecting and scheduling images taken by one satellite in order to maximize a quality criterion depending on the acquisition rate of an image. We propose a generalized linear programming (column generation) approach for this problem

    Modélisation et résolution de problèmes d'optimisation combinatoire issus d'applications spatiales

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    INIST-CNRS (INIST), under shelf-number: RP 17272 / SudocSudocFranceF

    Airline fleet assignment : a state of the art

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    International audienceWith the hard competitive environment of the air transportation sector, airlines have to cope with more and more complex and large optimization problems at planning and operations levels, especially concerning the fleet management. One of the major tasks consists in assigning profitable aircraft type to each flight, given the sets of flights and aircraft of an airline. The assignment has to meet a large variety of requirements and has to deal with the complementary objectives of maximizing revenue (by matching seat capacity to passenger demand) and minimizing costs (such as fuel, maintenance operations, airport gating ?) over the operated network. In this communication a state of the art relative to the fleet assignment models adopted in the Operations Research literature, is proposed. The different models are compared in terms of applicability to real life problems in a short term operational context. Side problems such as maintenance planning and crew assignment are also considered while performances such as robustness to common perturbations or to strong disruptions are of interest

    Airline fleet assignment : a state of the art

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    International audienceWith the hard competitive environment of the air transportation sector, airlines have to cope with more and more complex and large optimization problems at planning and operations levels, especially concerning the fleet management. One of the major tasks consists in assigning profitable aircraft type to each flight, given the sets of flights and aircraft of an airline. The assignment has to meet a large variety of requirements and has to deal with the complementary objectives of maximizing revenue (by matching seat capacity to passenger demand) and minimizing costs (such as fuel, maintenance operations, airport gating ?) over the operated network. In this communication a state of the art relative to the fleet assignment models adopted in the Operations Research literature, is proposed. The different models are compared in terms of applicability to real life problems in a short term operational context. Side problems such as maintenance planning and crew assignment are also considered while performances such as robustness to common perturbations or to strong disruptions are of interest

    Dynamic airspace configuration by genetic algorithm

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    International audienceWith the continuous air traffic growth and limits of resources, there is a need for reducing the congestion of the airspace systems. Nowadays, several projects are launched, aimed at modernizing the global air transportation system and air traffic management. In recent years, special interest has been paid to the solution of the dynamic airspace configuration problem. Airspace sector configurations need to be dynamically adjusted to provide maximum efficiency and flexibility in response to changing weather and traffic conditions. The main objective of this work is to automatically adapt the airspace configurations according to the evolution of traffic. In order to reach this objective, the airspace is considered to be divided into predefined 3D airspace blocks which have to be grouped or ungrouped depending on the traffic situation. The airspace structure is represented as a graph and each airspace configuration is created using a graph partitioning technique. We 2 optimize airspace configurations using a genetic algorithm. The developed algorithm generates a sequence of sector configurations for one day of operation with the minimized controller workload. The overall methodology is implemented and successfully tested with air traffic data taken for one day and for several different airspace control areas of Europe

    Contrôle des gouvernes d'un aéronef lors d'une manoeuvre de vol-approche par programmation linéaire

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    International audienceOn considère le problème de braquage des gouvernes d'un aéronef durant une manoeuvre de vol. On formule un problème linéaire qui détermine des angles de braquage permettant d'atteindre les moments de roulis, tangage et lacet requis en satisfaisant les contraintes liées aux moments de flexion et torsion des ailes de l'aéronef, de façon à minimiser la trainée